Friday, August 03, 2007

A Bit of Bad News

My laptop died. And, it died hard. Even Oleg couldn't bring it back to life again. Worse, when it died, it took with it pictures, video, music, my personal journal, and all of my blog entries to date. Including the last blog entry that I had yet to post. Now that no one will ever read it, I can assure you that it was the best entry ever. Way better than anything else you'll read here.

Anyway, given the no laptop situation, I must apologize because the already questionable quality of my blog entries is surely going to suffer. On the bright side, though, my bag just got a little less heavy.


Anonymous said...

Did you try CPR on the laptop?

Dont be surpised if it slips you the tounge while you do. Laptops can be so perv-y (which is why they get all hot when they're on your lap.)

Anonymous said...

Did you try rebooting it?